This is Blade and Swords.


My Name is Bettina Miriam Sehner. 
HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) is part of my life since 2016 and turned out to be far more than just a hobby. Painting has always been one of my favourite kind of expression. Instead of writing diaries I started to paint my stories and emotions as a kid and was quite interested in decorating school tables ans walls. Despite the controversial reactions to my childhood painting obsession, I continued with painting in different styles and also attended some exhibitions.

In November 2018 I started with digital painting and it seemed only natural to me to combine HEMA and Artwork. 

At the moment Blade and Swords creates:

  • Designs for HEMA Shirts and other products (on my Spreadshirt Shop and Amazon)
  • Digital Drawings 
  • Illustrations for our book Project “Ultima Custodia”
    (Translation and Interpretation of the MS I.33 Towerfechtbuch) 
  •  Specific products with my designs like pocket squares, scarves, wall hangings, ...
  • Calendars and HEMA photography
  • Paintings on canvas (acrylic)
  • Paintings made with historical techniques (Egg Tempera, ink, ...) on wooden plates/canvas

I am working in both the digital and analog world of Art. This supports my learning process to become a better Artist, as both worlds have their specific advantages and disadvantages. Some people might prefer to focus on only one field but for me the switching is important to keep my creative inner source flexible and open minded.

Who am I?

emotional, intellectual, passionate, open-minded, curious, searching, exploring, spiritual, growing, active, passive, free, bonded, naturally, grateful, kind, in pain, in grief, in dark, in happiness in others, in myself, in the moment 

An interview I did with Jason Hutt for his blog on Medieval Sword School you can find here:


… are more powerful than Competition. 
That´s why I love to work with other Artists. HEMAists. Clubs. Companies. People and be always open for projects together. I can be your fellow Artist, Photographer, Designer or Model. Please feel free to contact me if you have an idea that you want to bring to life with me.  <3

This is me. Bettina Miriam

"It is both a blessing

And a curse

To feel everything

So very deeply.”

(David Jones)