Buy Ultima Custodia (German or English Version)
If you want to buy Ulitma Custodia please fill in the form and write me if you want to have the ENGLISH or GERMAN Version. :-)
Thank you very much.
Price for Ultima Custodia: 55 EUR
Shipping within Europe: around 10 EUR, Shipping to US: around 34 EUR, other countries we have to check
Book project "Ultima Custodia" - Translation, Fencing treatise and Artbook
Modern Translation and extensive Interpretation of the Royal Armouries Ms I.33 Towerfechtbuch.
This project is created by Bettina Miriam Sehner, Michael Lammer and the Sword and Buckler group of the HEMA Club INDES Graz (
> Ultima Custodia is a new translation of the Towerfechtbuch sheets from middle latin to either German or English
> It contains an interpretation of the techniques and texts from the Towerfechtbuch made to a fencing treatise based on the interpretation of the Sword and Buckler group INDES Graz.
> And its also an Artbook
Please consider: The Kickstarter campaign has already expired, but you can buy the book now in english or german version.
If you are interested in buying the book please write an email (Button below) or fill in the form.
Reviews about the book
Greetings! I have just received my Ultima Custodia book, and it is AMAZING! I am absolutely in love with it! It looks fantastic, the drawings are nice and also very clear, I think it's a good and understandable interpretation... in other words: a masterpiece! 😀
Sebastaan P.
Ich bin kürzlich aus dem Urlaub zurückgekommen und hab mich gleich gefreut - eurer Werk war in der Post!
Es ist ja echt der Wahnsinn geworden!!
Ich bin total begeistert. Man merkt, wie viel Arbeit und Liebe da drin steckt - und Humor 🙂
Man bekommt auch sofort Lust, doch mal Schild+Buckler auszuprobieren - vor allem weil man anhand eurer Erklärungen und Grafiken die Techniken versteht.
Ganz ganz großes Lob von mir und vielen herzlichen Dank für euer tolles Projekt!
Und Gratulation dazu, dass es so toll geworden ist! Das gelingt nicht jedem 🙂
Skim through the book and it’s well made. Content are well organized and easy to follow through. The added hand draw art work added an interesting touch to it. Also, the first person view on some of the techniques is well thought out and every one should copy this method in my opinion.
Overall a much recommend book for anyone looking for sword&buckler book to read and collect.
Thitiwut P.
Bankok Historical Fencing
Habe soeben das wunderbare "Ultima Custodia" von
Blade and Swords erhalten!
vom ersten Eindruck her in allen Punkten sehr durchdacht aufgebaut: Facsimilies und Erläuterungen in Kapitel 1, gefolgt von Interpretation mit vielen richtig guten Hilfestellungen in Kapitel 2.
Das ganze mit fabelhaften Illustrationen (Hasen! ), großartig, Bettina Miriam !
Ich freue mich darauf, das durchzuarbeiten!
We have just received our copy of this magnificent work! Thank you @bladenswords_hema ! Ultima Custodia is a beautiful book full of details and useful info together with amazing and detailed pictures.
Acabamos de recibir nuestra copia de este estupendo trabajo! Gracias @bladenswords_hema ! Ultima Custodia es un libro precioso, repleto de detalles e información útil junto a unas maravillosas y detalladas imágenes.
Just want to comment, this is an outstanding production. My copy arrived this week, and it's really well done. The fist 2/3 of the book is just a very high quality print and translation of what we all have seen before, with the pages and plays from the tower fechtbuch, but it's the last 3rd of the book that really shines. The new illustrations are wonderful, the text very easy to understand. Additionally, not in the photos here, the first person view illustrations are something I've never seen before in a manual, everyone I've shown them to has said something along the lines of "wow...why doesn't anyone else do this, that's awesome!
I bought ULTIMA CUSTODIA because I really like swords and bucklers. I found much more than a book. The work done by the authors is truly fantastic. Not only do they present the original manuscript, but what makes ULTIMA CUSTODIA so beautiful is the work done with the illustrations. The perspectives presented in the book make it interesting and help you understand how to move. Highly recommended not only for beginners but also for those who want to see a new perspective.
Matteo Campestri
Scherma Storica Firenze
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I made a random .gif file out of some technique illustrations (just for fun)
What´s up next? My.Projects
Find out more about my past, current and upcoming Projects.
If you have an interesting idea and you think I might be the right person to work with, just get in contact with me. I love to do collaborations with Artists. HEMAits. Clubs. Companies. People.
The next Book project
I found someone to collaborate, but I am still in very early planning phase.
We are at our last steps before we are ready to print and deliver Ultima Custodia in German and English, yet I already have the next project in my mind and starting slowly with planning and it will have a lot of Rabbits included (sorry can't help to find them awesooome).😆🐰
So stay tuned if you like them.❤️
This picture is also about the next book project. It has been in my mind since 2 years now but I have been very busy with Ultima Custodia and other things.
As soon as I have more time again I will focus on turning the idea into reality.
Get an overview about my.Projects in the slideshow. Scroll down for detailed information.
Commission work - repainting of an Illustration of the Morgan bible,
this painting will be made with black ink, eggtempera layers, golden bronze pigment, white ink and different techniques - to come as close to the original as possible
Comic Con Bodensee - unfortunately due to the current COVID situation this event will take place 2022
"Ultima Custodia"
Translation and Interpretation of the Royal Armouries Ms I.33 (Towerfechtbuch).
A project from Michael Lammer and Bettina Miriam Sehner
supported by Sword and Buckler group from INDES Graz.
At the moment I mainly paint for this project
"Dancing with Sword" Photography
with myself as "Model" and Markus Haberfellner (Haberfellner Photography)
It was amazing and a pleasure to work with Markus on a collection of
pictures with myself and my weapons.
"Battle of Fulford" (original original by Matthew Paris -Monk 1200 – 1259)
Painted with egg Tempera (the way artists used to paint in the middle ages).
I painted a design for the HEMA and Charity event "Frauentage Schwerttage"
"Dark Knight and Light" Series
This will be a little Acrylic Painting collection with
Armoury and Weapons in Black and White.
HEMA Charity Event "Fight against Depression 2019" with Tremonia Fechten has been taken place August 2019.
This is an exercise for the next big acrylic painting I am planning. It will have the theme
"Rapier", "Historical Fencer(s)" and "Old town". I have already some ideas and I am currently experimenting with different materials to make my next very big painting Project.
"Repaing of an Illustration out of the famous Morgan Bible
This Project is a commission work and will be a as close as possible repainting of an Illustration out of the famous Morgan bible (also Crusader Bible, Maciejowski Bible). Information:
The painting will be made with black ink, layers of eggtempera in different techniques, bronze Pigments, white ink and after a while a varnish finish. I was thinking about using real gold leaf but the results with light bronze pigments are more than sufficient enough (moreover pricing does matter).
"Dancing with Sword" Photography
For this project I worked together with Markus Haberfellner from Haberfellner Photography to create amazing pictures from a woman (in this case myself) with her weapons in motion. Pictures will be available in my Folder "HEMA Photography".
Frauen Schwerttage 2020
Another Charity and HEMA event I have painted a design for. The earnings from buying a product with this design will be donated to "Frauennothilfe Deutschland".
HEMA Charity Event
"Fight against Depression 2019"
HEMA CHARITY EVENT: Fight Against Depression 2019 by Tremonia Fechten (supported by Blade and Swords)
The aim of this event is to collect donations for "Stiftung deutsche Depressionshilfe", a charitable foundation to help people, suffering from depression.
This event is over and we can say it has been a huge success. It achieved a four-digit amount of donations.
Congratulations to Tremonia Fechten and all the people and clubs supporting it.
Acrylic Painting "big one"
I am planning another big acrylic painting with size of 1.60 x 1.20 with the themes "Rapier, Historical People, Historical town".
I have already started with Sketches and did a little excersise work.
"Dark Knight and Light" serie
This will be an Acrylic Painting Collection with Armoury and Weapons in Black and White.